Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Sun Rises and Sets

Im sure we have all had those days where one are HERE....and the next are THERE.

Funny how things can shift truly in a mere second....and I guess not so funny that I tend to forget that in my day to day routines. Cooking, playing with my son, saying my prayers, training clients, laughing with my husband, shaving my legs....the usual day to day...begins to be just that "day to day" and then you get a little tap on your shoulder.

One of those God taps. That taps and kind of wakes you up a bit.

A friend calls and you are on the other end of the phone as they are in fear, crying, so upset because their (fill in the blank with a family member --in this case, my friends husband) has had a freak accident and is being airlifted to the hospital.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Wake up a bit more Nicole. Be more aware. Be more present. And don't ever, ever forget that I am God. He knows He needs to at times remind me of my role compared to His role...because I am one of those easy forgetters.

I cry as I hang up the phone. In fear for my friend. Putting myself in her shoes. Looking at my son, can all change in a second. I pick my son up and blow monster kisses on his neck and hold him a bit tighter...whispering a very loving but strong "I love you" in his ear.

When God taps...I try to stop and just soak it all in. Listen. Pray and then listen some more. He always provides the answers in those moments of feeling frozen, dark...those moments when you feel like the sun is setting...darkness is going to take over.

But just like "day to day", the sun rises again....Its warm. Its inviting. Its bright. Its bold. And you move forward.

"His brightness is like the sunlight. Rays of light stream from his hand. That is where his power is hidden." Habakkuk 3:4

So when I can, in those moments of uncertainty, those moments when my prayers are so strong that I almost hurt saying them...I try to put my face up to the sun. And he answers me with love...making my face feel warm in the ray of light coming down. And if the sun is setting...and its dark and the light isnt shining on my face...I just remember that my prayers are heard, answers and direction will come.

He is faithful. He is love. He is All.

and then I go back my son around, figure out what I can fix for dinner, make arrangements to see my friend, kiss a boo-boo, change a diaper....and the rising and setting begins again..."day after day".

My prayer is that as I continue to grow in my faith...I will not have to be "tapped" quite as often, that I wont allow myself to get so lost in the day to day, the rising and setting...that I forget that a second is a second is a second...and it can all change.

Much love to all.

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