Monday, August 5, 2013

Start or Not Start a Blog.....

I have been toying with starting a blog for a bit now....

I am already busy with several groups on Facebook and my business page....and probably could go to 12 step meetings for Instagram :) But I like the idea of a blog...where maybe I can write in a bit more detail about outlet for me. A tool to help keep me transparent, accountable, able to laugh at myself and continue to learn and grow.

So I may just have to give it a try. Not quite sure how it works or if it will be something that I will enjoy lots but I have always believed that you never know til you I would love for you to follow me on my journey...laugh with me, help teach me, help me grow.

Now off to foam roll my hamstrings because they are killing me! A barefoot 5k last night....hammies are screaming today!


  1. woohoo first comment :) Maybe this was the idea you were toying with that you were being encouraged to move forward with a few weeks ago per our "conversation?"

  2. Maybe...if I can catch on to how to get it started and going...I hope its not gonna be like twitter for me...just cant seem to like twitter...facebook and instagram as social it down. twitter not so much. So lets hope this blog doesnt fall into the same category!!!!

  3. Never jumped on the twitter bandwagon. I'm sure the blog will be successful. Is it included in any of the search engines?
